We've gathered here to take the steps of making cancer prevention possible

Nous nous sommes réunis ici pour prendre les mesures nécessaires pour rendre possible la prévention du cancer


The Team


Dr. Patrick McGrath

Patrick McGrath OC, PhD, FRSC, FCAHS

Emeritus Professor, Psychiatry, Dalhousie University

Scientist, IWK Health Centre

Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, UOttawa

Chair of Board, Strongest Families Institute

Psychologist, CMAP Health

 Dr. Tina Saryeddine

  Executive Director of the Canadian      

  Association of Fire Chiefs, Adjunct Professor at University of  

  Ottawa, Telfer School of Management                                 

Dr. Jim Petrik

Fire Chief and Professor, Guelph/Eramosa Fire Department and University of Guelph, Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs

Mr. Graham Pawlett

Mr. Graham Pawlett, Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs 

Deputy Chief Ivana Irvin

BSc, BScN, Leduc County, Emergency, Management and Training, Fire Services, Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs

Dr. Elena Laroche

Associate Proffessor, Département de management, Université Laval Sciences de l’administration

Dr. JinaLi Wang

Professor and Canada Research Chair, Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie University

Dr. Igor Yakovenko

Assistant Professor, Departments of Psychology & Neuroscience/Psychiatry, Dalhousie University 

Dr. Maryam Akbari

Research Coordinator, Centre for Research in Family Health, IWK Health Centre